Experienced Workplace Accident Attorneys

The attorneys of Lewis & Roberts in Raleigh have handled workplace injury accidents for clients against third parties across the state. Our lawyers are experienced in developing and prosecuting cases for on-the-job injuries caused by something outside of the employer’s control. We accept these cases on a contingent basis – advancing all expenses and receiving no fee until a recovery is obtained.

While most accidents that occur on the jobsite are covered by workers’ compensation insurance, many times workplace accidents are caused by companies or individuals responsible for the worker’s injury or death beyond workers’ compensation. A laborer killed because of a defective piece of machinery may have legal claims against, not only his employer for workers’ compensation, but also against the manufacturer of the defective product that caused his death.

Some of our workplace accident cases:

In one such case, an experienced airplane mechanic was working on a large military refueling tanker from a raised platform. The platform had recently been refurbished and painted so an access panel was camouflaged from view. Our client moved the panel on the platform as designed, unaware that he was exposing himself to an unprotected fall to his death. After an exhaustive investigation, we determined that the platform had originally been painted with contrasting colors and signs to prevent the accident from happening. We found years old original photographs that showed how the refurbishing company created a dangerous product with no warnings or instructions to the end users – including our client. This worker’s family recovered a $2 million settlement from the company that refurbished the work platform in a dangerous condition.

Another worker’s family we represented was killed when a split-ring wheel assembly suddenly exploded while a truck mechanic was removing a wheel off a commercial vehicle. We determined that the split-ring wheel assembly sold to the vehicle’s purchaser was configured with mis-matched and mis-aligned twenty year old parts. Our client was unaware of the defective and dangerous condition of the wheel assembly before he worked on it. The seller of the commercial vehicle was held responsible for our client’s death with a jury verdict of $2 million.

In another case we prosecuted on behalf on an injured worker, a supervisor was crushed by improperly stacked steel beams and columns on a flatbed tractor-tailor. As the steel was being unloaded from the trailer, pieces of the steel rolled onto our client knocking him off the trailer and crushing him on the ground. Our client was rendered a paraplegic and suffered horrible spinal injuries from which he could never recover. The company that loaded the trailer paid $3.5 million dollars to settle the case before trial.

Contact Us About Your Workplace Accident Case 

These cases are just examples of the workplace accidents our lawyers have worked on for injured employees. Our attorneys are also experienced in working with workers’ compensation insurance companies to reduce liens for the benefits paid to injured workers. Our dedication maximizes the recovery for the employee injured by the fault of another while on-the-job. We welcome the opportunity to speak with any worker – or their family members – for any injury or death that occurred at the workplace that may have been caused by the fault of a person or company other than the worker’s employer.  


Schedule a Free Initial Consultation

Tell us more about you and your case. We look forward to getting back to you within 48 hours. For more immediate inquiries, please call us at (919) 981-0191.